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Become an A55!

Quality Education, rooted in meta, with none of the administrative pathology!

What Do We Teach?

At A55 Academy, we believe that functional education, insofar as excellence is concerned, consists in mastering the disciplines articulated in the Classical Liberal Arts (click here for a more in-depth commentary on the meaning of that term).  Gain access to a wide variety of courses delivered straight to the comfort of your own home.

Department of Language

Language pedagogy, as it currently exists in the wider consumer marketplace, is completely broken.  Whether it be English or any other language, pedagogical tangibility is the absolute key to success to any level of proficiency.  Monolingualism is the hallmark of an utterly failed education.

Department of History

Developing a resistance to propaganda and other aberrant nonsense requires a comprehensive understanding of "applied history," which seeks to answer the question of why things happened, as opposed to merely recounting what happened, which can then bring immediate relevance to the current state of the world. 

Department of Music

All ancient civilizations understood that music was a fundamental part of any complete education.  It seamlessly combines the requirements for skill development and knowledge, which in turn provides massive propaedeutic value regardless of whether one intends to become a professional musician.  Even if you are not a pro, that doesn't mean you get to be a complete goober with all instruments.

Department of Philosophy

Far from being the province of an ivory tower, philosophy is the method by which one acquires knowledge and understanding.  It is the starting point by which the individual develops his capacity to articulate himself, which in turn is the core function by which the individual transforms into an unstoppable force of nature, because there is nothing than can empower the individual more than being literate and articulate.


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